Top 5 Essential Classroom Items That Every Teacher Needs | Prodigy Math Blog

prodigy Community
4 min readNov 11, 2018

As schools continuously evolve and take significant steps to improve their education system, it is imperative that teachers simultaneously introduce essential classroom items in every class to enhance each student’s learning capability, create an organised space to learn, and streamline lesson plans.

Further on, survey reports explain that the quality of a classroom environment matters both to students’ well being and academic learning. Empirical studies consistently show that engaging and well-managed classrooms improve student behaviour and achievement.

(source- Engaging students: creating classrooms that improve learning; Grattan Institute, 2017 )

Therefore, apart from having basic supplies, a variety of creative items and class routines can be implemented in every classroom to teach, motivate and discipline students throughout the school year. Take a look at these 5 essential classroom items that you can introduce to create a more engaging and fun learning environment.

1. A Stash Of Essential Classroom Supplies

Starting with the basic needs, you should make sure that your classroom has a sufficient supply of school items such as markers, chalk, pencils, notebooks, pens, exercise books and more. You can also maintain a personal list of supplies that your students require on a daily basis and order them beforehand.

2. A Wall Of Fame For Students

Implement a positive way of encouraging students in class by adding a creative wall to showcase your students’ achievements and work throughout the school year. You can dedicate a section of the bulletin board to acknowledge the best performers in academics and extra-curricular activities.

This works the same way as ‘employee of the month’ program and encourages other students to work hard and achieve more. But make sure, by the end of the school year, every student gets a chance to display their achievement on the board.

3. Wall Organisers & Filing Cabinets

A well-organised classroom runs smoothly. As a teacher, you need to make sure that everything is in order and that your students also carry out the responsibility of maintaining the classroom.

To keep your class organised you can install wall organisers, plastic filing cabinets, binders, boxes, and other essential classroom items at the beginning of the year and label everything properly. Make it a point to explain to your students the importance of classroom organisation and encourage them to maintain a well-organised class.

4. Personalised Classroom Library

A small personal library with relevant books, magazines, and newspaper articles is a must-have in all classrooms. A small corner in the class can serve as a great reading spot for students and encourage them to pick up a book in between classes and start reading.

From curriculum-related books to age-appropriate fiction and non-fiction novels, you can stock up on reading materials that will boost their learning and cultivate the habit of reading.

5. Online Learning Games & Puzzles

In case there is a free period between classes, teachers can keep online learning games and puzzles handy to engage their students with educational content. Educational games have proved to be an interactive and effective source of learning for students simply because children love playing online games. So it becomes easy for them to engage and practise lessons when it is in the form of games.

Since online games and puzzles have proved to be effective, many schools have started incorporating online games into their curriculum. Especially for subjects like Math, that require regular practise, teachers use , an online game-based math learning platform for students from grades 1–8.

Try these interactive and fun math games in class: 5 Fun Math Games To Play In Class.

Effective classroom management and organisation is the key to improve your students’ proficiency. Keeping the classroom organised with effective tools not only helps in building an interactive and fun environment for students but also makes it easy for teachers to promote the right methodologies that secure the right positioning for collaborative learning and observation within the class.

When students are engaged in class, they learn more. So, use these 5 creative classroom items as a part of the routine to set the right classroom climate for learning, raising student expectations, developing a rapport with students, establishing routines, and challenging them to participate and take risks.

Originally published at on November 11, 2018.

